site is just like Blenko -- colorful, lively, and fun! Plus it is easy
to navigate and filled with
good info. Thanks!- Leslie Piņa |
the best internet resource for Blenko and related information.-
Hollywood Collector, Harris Miller |
WOW!!! I love the
site. Don't have time this morning to be doing this, but you hooked
me!!! I'll mark it on my favorites and come back. I especially liked
the "Is it Blenko" and colors!! - Bellevue, Ohio |
I just looked at
your web page and it is fantastic! I loved the designer area. All the
guys together like that was great. - David Osburn (interim Blenko
designer) |
It just keeps
getting better & better. I managed to get to it & checked everything
out. You've done great work--All of you, please pass on my
congratulations. Way to go!!!- Deborah |
Your site is
REMARKABLE!! I hope you truly don't mind us linking to it - it seems
like such a wonderful resource for Blenko addicts that I wanted to
share the good news.- eBay seller |
Hi. I wish to
commend you and the others on your special website about Blenko
glass. It's rich, colorful, nice to look at, and very informative. A
real treasure. I like the colorful buttons to help in navigation.
I'm also pleased you are going to create a link to Greenwich
Flint-Craft. Thank you. I know all the information posted is
accurate because I know your character and devotion to accuracy.
Good Job. Best of Luck.- Sandi Connally, Tom Connally's wife. |
Greetings! I
really like your new site and I think it nicely complements the other
Blenko collecting website. I especially like the way the colors are
laid out. Here are a color comparisons that I'd like to see on your
site: Jade vs. Nile and Aqua vs. Juniper. I have a very hard time
distinguishing between the two, so any help is appreciated!- Dave |
I really love
your site. It's really informative. Great job!!!!!!-
Daniel |
Looks great! Thanks
for continuing to shed light on and keep my father legacy alive. Much
thanks and kind regards. -Ty Connally
The website is
awesome. Looking forward to chatting with you.- Trey Gott (Blenko
designer-1996) |
I love this site.
Thank you for the color comparisons. I have always had a hard time
with colors. I also love seeing samples of what each designer has
designed. I have not seen Trey Gott mentioned anywhere else can you
please tell us more about him? This site has been a great place for a
quick reference. Thank you all for creating it. -Illinois |
To the beginning
collector, to the expert collector, this site gets thumbs up! The
wealth of knowledge that a collector can gain from this site cannot be
achieved by any glass book on the market. Congrats!!!! -Rick,
Huntington, West Virginia |
I would like to
say, this is THE best site I have encountered in my search for Blenko
identifications! Thanks to your site, I have been able to properly
identify color and designer on many pieces I have purchased for
resale, and have gotten what the items are worth. Thank you sooooooo
very much. Susan, Calif. |
We have become avid Blenko collectors and this
site has helped us SO MUCH! We use the "Is It Blenko" page to
distinguish between real Blenko and other copies. Also, the
"Colors" page has helped us differentiate between ALL the beautiful
colors the glass comes in. Finally, this site is so informative
with the history of the Blenko designers and their works of
art. Enough cannot be said how much we appreciate the Blenko
Collectors website and all the information it has provided to
us. Thank you so much!!! Chris and Heidi - Charleston, WV |
The new Blenko Collector site just keeps getting better. Enjoyed
the piece on Dave Osborn and the Airtwist photo's! - Rick
Fantastic and
amazing knowledge of American hand made glassware. Truly accurate
information. -Robert McKeand Formerly of Pilgrim Glass (retired
after 42 years) also seen in Leslie Pina books.
This is
one of the most conclusive and thoroughly designed Blenko sites-
James |
new to Blenko...thought I would just let you know how helpful your
site is to the new collector. I realize it must take loads of time
and effort ...thought I write and let you know it is
appreciated....very much.....................Darleen |
checked out your collectors' website and learned a lot today about
Blenko that I never knew before. Your site is very helpful. Thank
you. Chris and Judy Delaware, OH |
to the internet I know now I am not alone in my appreciation and will
pass down to my children the significance of this beautiful form of
art. Thanks,
Judy - Georgia |