Blenko Glass Collectors - The Blenko Four


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Blenko retired workers & Dave Osburn make a bowl that could only be bought at the Blenko Collectors Society convention.

Above is the finished bowl.

Some of the people in the video are:

Dave Osburn shown in the very beginning he is the blower.

Rodney Wade the plant manager is seen talking to Dave at one point.

Retired Blenko finisher Raymond Lewis wearing a plaid shirt.

Retired Blenko finisher Les Womack wearing a blue shirt, and blue jeans.

Retired Blenko finisher Charlie Chapman wearing a Blenko T-shirt.

Richard Blenko seen in the beginning wearing khaki pants and a blue shirt.


Windows media format:

Small for dial up 2.75 megs

Larger for broadband 10 megs

Videography: Barry DiLibero





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