Blenko Glass Collectors - The Blenko Four


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Easter Sale at the Blenko factory & Visitor's Center 2007


New design team. Watch this space.


The Kenworthy's. Finally, I got a good picture! Blenko bricks in front of the VC.


What can you think of to use Blenko bricks for????

email us with your ideas!


Dinner with Wanda.
Danielle, Kara & Katie hanging out in the Shipping Department and strategizing new designs.


Former designer John Nickerson stops by too. Along with mega-collector John Kosla.


Snow in April!


The cake in the VC for the BCS.
Teri & Carolyn join up members by the ones, twos, threes... and more! The VC filled with people to purchase for the Easter Sale and have their glass signed.


The local radio station was there for a remote broadcast. They drew for a piece of glass.


Richard Blenko signing a piece of glass.
  Delores Hogan & Tammy Kosla


Keith, Drema & John Nickerson in the Blenko Museum atop the Blenko Factory Visitor's Center.


Gwen & Kelsi won the first 2 bunnies that we raffled off.
Arlon & Mary Jo -- The new leaders of the Bayliss Design Team. Again, watch this space.


3 of the Blenko 4. Tammy, Teri & Drema.


Debbie Sloan won the 3rd bunny.
Tammy stealing Teri's car. Jane Nickerson & Raymond Lewis at dinner.




Copyright 2005-2007

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